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We encourage our patients to have regular visits to our hygienists as healthy gums make for healthy teeth and any potential problems can be identified early.

Book a dental hygiene appointment

Book direct dental hygiene care in Keynsham

Hygiene appointments will help prevent gum disease and dental decay. While your oral care routine at home does most of the work when it comes to removing plaque from your teeth, a professional cleaning will help remove any build-up. Hygienists are trained in cleaning away plaque and tartar deposits, protecting your smile from bacteria.

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Why are hygiene appointments important?

Your oral health depends on your gums. We are best placed to look after your gum health, preventing gum disease and removing any bacteria that is already irritating your gums. Gum disease, if left untreated, can cause gums to recede and can be a contributing factor to tooth loss. As gum disease also has links to health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, keeping your gums as healthy as possible will help your overall health as well.

The symptoms of gum disease are mild, so it is often overlooked. We carry out a check during the appointment to spot gum disease, putting us in a position to catch it before it worsens.

What is gum disease?

If plaque build-ups around the gum line aren’t removed, the gum tissues start to get inflamed. Swollen, red gums are the hallmark of the early stage of gum disease, gingivitis. The irritated gums bleed while brushing, making them vulnerable to the bacteria that are present in the mouth.

If gingivitis is left untreated and the tartar deposits are left at the gum line, the gums start to recede as a result. This leads to pockets developing between the gum and the tooth, exposing the sensitive and vulnerable tooth root. Once plaque and tartar build-up on the root, it’s much harder to remove. This part of gum disease is called periodontitis and isn’t reversible like the earlier stage. It can be managed by a dentist or periodontist through more extensive periodontal treatment.

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What happens during a hygiene appointment?

The main part of your hygiene appointment involves a routine scale and polish. This deep clean removes stubborn tartar from all the hard-to-reach areas. This is then followed by a professional polish – which leaves your teeth feeling smoother, cleaner, and brighter.

As well as a deep clean, we will advise you how to properly care for your teeth and gums. We can show you how to use interdental cleaning tools properly so you can keep up the hard work at home.

Periodontal treatment

Periodontal treatment involves the control and management of advanced gum disease to enhance gum health and relieve pain. At Charlton Road Dental, we are fortunate to have a highly skilled and experienced specialist periodontist, Dr Ana Gamboa. Ana accepts periodontal referrals for her treatments and services, and has a particular interest in complex periodontal cases.

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Frequently asked questions

Does hygiene treatment hurt?

You may experience some discomfort during your hygiene treatment, especially while your teeth are being deep cleaned, but it shouldn’t hurt too much. If you are feeling nervous about your treatment, please let your hygienist know. They will be able to help you with a caring and gentle approach, explaining the treatment and stopping to give you breaks if necessary.

How often do I need to visit my hygienist?

We advise that you visit the hygienist every six months to ensure the best protection for your teeth and gums against decay and gum disease. This does depend on your case and oral health, as some patients may benefit from appointments more or less regularly. Please talk to your hygienist for advice.

How long does a hygiene appointment last?

You can expect a mouth hygiene appointment to last around 30-40 minutes. This does vary depending on each patient, if there is more plaque and tartar to remove, it will take longer.

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